LM Notary Public Ltd

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that enables you to appoint one or more persons to manage and make decisions on your behalf. The person so appointed is called an “ Attorney”. An LPA must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian before it can be used by the attorney or attorneys appointed by you. You can register Lasting Power of Attorney for your property and financial affairs and your health and welfare. This will enable your attorney to take decisions on your behalf , if you are unable to do so yourself in the future. Our team will provide following services:
  • meeting with you to discuss your requirements, explain Lasting Powers of Attorney .
  • advice to meet your requirements and duties of attorneys.
  • preparing the Lasting Powers of Attorney.
  • meeting with you to sign all documents (in the offices with prior appointment).
  • acting as your witness when you sign the documents.
  • acting as your Certificate Provider to certify you have mental capacity and understand what you are signing.
  • dealing with your attorneys to arrange signature, including meeting with them to act as their witness if they wish.
  • applying to register the LPA’s with the Office of the Public Guardian