LM Notary Public Ltd


Some frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is a Notary Public?

A Notary Public is a qualified lawyer who specialise in certifying and legalising documents for use abroad.


What do I need to bring with me to my appointment with a Notary Public ?

Your Notary must verify your identity and your address. You should bring your Passport and a Proof of Address such as a UK Driving licence, or a Council Tax or Utility Bill. If you are unable to bring either of the above, please contact and discuss with your Notary prior to your appointment.


How much will it cost to notarise my documents?

Your Notary will normally charge you a fixed fee, or an hourly rate as appropriate, which will be agreed with you prior to your appointment.  


What is an Apostille?

An Apostille is a certificate issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).  This is a requirement in some countries. It is usually arranged after notarisation and confirms that the signature of the Notary Public is genuine. Some documents such as Birth/Death Certificates issued in the UK do not require notarisation before they can be Apostilled. You must inform your Notary in advance should you require an Apostille.


Do I need to sign the document in the presence of the Notary Public?

Most documents such as Power of Attorneys, Affidavits, Statutory Declarations, Statements, Petitions etc. are to be signed in the presence of the Notary Public, who will certify that the documents were executed in their presence.

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